Equity Selection
Stocks are included in client portfolios to provide long-term growth, and in some cases, enhanced income. The growth not only helps fund future spending needs, but also protects the portfolio against the negative impacts of inflation. We purchase high-quality companies to be held in portfolios with a long-term time horizon. We utilize both quantitative and qualitative research to build high-quality portfolios with below average risk for our clients.
Our quantitative investment model analyzes stocks relative to their peers across thirty-five data points that can be broken down into five broad categories. These categories include:
- Financial Strength
- Profitability
- Earnings/Revenue Growth
- Cash Flow Strength
- Valuation
Each stock is scored on these categories and then a cumulative “relative” score is calculated.
Our qualitative review incorporates the analysis of independent third-party research from providers such as CFRA Research and Morningstar to augment our own independent research.
Blending these two analytical processes, combined with experienced judgement, forms the foundation of our investment selection process.